Saturday, August 27, 2011

dear summer,

Dear summer, 
Oh how I love you and oh how I will miss you
I will miss playing on the playground right around the corner

I will cherish all the memories from when the family came

all of the many badminton matches played

all of those face in the hole things

I will miss those hot summer nights where you are without a care in the world. Especially the 4th of July

I will miss doing my summer reading on the hammock. (well maybe not the summer reading..)

I will always remember snorkeling in the pacific ocean at the great barrier reef

My amazing australian adventure

I will miss water this blue

and going to the beach

but most importantly I will miss the laziness, the carefree feeling of summer and just being able to do whatever you want, whenever you want, not having to worry about school or homework.

You were good summer 2011, real good. 

Summer 2011- never to be forgotten 


p.s. I'm thinking of changing the name of my blog.. what do you think? any suggestions? comment and tell me!

1 lovely comments:

Anna said...

Actually I"ve been thinking about the same thing too. But I'm not sure if I really want to change it.
I''m thinking (I'm not sure if you want style related or not, so I'll suggest both)
"The Lovely Little Things"
"Some Sweet Style"
"OH So Very Chic"
"Fantastic Flair"
"Fashion & Photos"
if and when I think of more, I'll tell you!