Sunday, December 18, 2011

as of lately | christmastime

as of lately..

I'm on break and loving every minute of not having to do anything

I am finding out of focus pictures of the Christmas tree better than focused ones 

I'm wishing for a white Christmas, when in reality thats not going to happen 

I have been sleeping in until around 11 and I have no idea when come january third I am going to be able to get out of bed at seven 

I've finished all my Christmas shopping! 

I have my temps! YAY.

I now have one hour out of the 50 required driving hours to get your license

I'm really wanting this camera.. does anyone have it? Is it a good camera? It's cheaper than the d3100 so thats a plus..


3 lovely comments:

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

Oh and because of the first photo I decided to leave work early and get myself a nice mug of hot choco! yummm.Happy Holidays!

Anna said...

Lovely photos! I'm so jealous you already have snow! We haven't gotten any around here yet! You get up at 7? Lucky! I'm up at 5:45, my bus comes at 6:40....

Anna said...

Also I have to D3100, and the only big difference between the two would be that the D3000 doesn't take videos