Monday, April 1, 2013

updates | here's to new starts

I thought it was time for a little freshening up in my little corner of the internet. I'm hopeless with html and css, so not too much has changed, but hey I like the new look! I deleted 167 of my posts, only saving my favorites. I changed my header and made other little changes in the layout (it took forever). So heres to new and fresh starts without completely leaving the old behind! 

+ I think that I'm soon going to start filming videos to incorporate here!

3 lovely comments:

Midwest Muse said...

Your blog is cute! Hope you update more!

Ashlyn said...

I can't wait to see what you come up with for your videos! Spring definitely has me in the cleaning + renovating mood for my blog as well.

Mary Lee said...

i absolutely love your new layout! ah your new posts aren't coming up on my feed so i'll have to add you again :D